Disciple logs: Contents

 Listing of disciple logs. 

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus

7/23/24. Expecting to continue to work today to fill out the titles below which for technical reasons are truncated as you see.

For the most current logs check here: https://www.jesianity.info/search/label/Disciple%20Log

Note: this list is in Reverse chronological order, so the most current thinking is toward the top.

If Tim is right about Jesus, then I want to go to hell where Jesus is not. But here, he saved me.

james, what the hell is your big idea?

Constantine's christianity, the perfect Humanity killing machine.

Constantine makes Jesus empire's slave

we're here to be helpers of creator, god, joy is the reward, hellish life if we don't. that's it.

james, said Amish pastor walt, now go visit my co-pastor Tim

Riley, and others with alive hearts, better train up.

I was sad to hear that I had been thought of as kind.

* Jesianity, and the art of soular gospel cycling. 

13 Mos, 39 states, 1000's of encounters, 8000mi, 400,000ft climbed... what I have learned. 

1984, 2024 DNC, Jesianity

Make of yourself the good tree. Jesus is the good tree. 

* Stop squandering my talents, James!

Jesus has no time for guilt-wallowing self indulgence.

God measure success opposite of man.

Glorify God? Obscene! Unless... 

Are you chosen for discipleship? 

What about Judas? 

Concrete steps for God's Will on earth. 

Jesus' kingdom of God story may be indispensable to joyful abundant life.

The essence of Jesus - As you do unto the least of these, you do unto me. 

* Early onset armageddon, Trumper dome, hateful liberal blame game. 

Jesus instructs us in how to live in constant flow.

* Disciples is the cornerstone of Jesus' strategy.  

* Nobody wants to be like Jesus.

* Was Jesus not always offensive to the religious establishment?

* By Profess Jesus did not mean, with the tounge, but with your life..

* The divine fruit of the branch on the vine.

* Jesus discipleship is restoring me as a child of god.

* Only those feeling unbearably sick can get Jesus.

* James, your exclusive following of jesus, is such b*******, and so offensive.

* The great correction, armageddon, is unfolding. Will you play a role?...

* What if Jesus father, our father, doesn't exist, but it doesn't matter?

* Your heavenly Father knows what you need..

* Born humane beings, then made actors. Be born again humane beings

* You spend every waking second making yourself into a child of God or a child of satan.

* Jesus' ultimately gratifying way.

* For joy expend humanity, or pay hell?

* The Christian, cultist, wasn't pleased.

* Trying out a Flight Instructor. [Jesus]

* Coincidence? Radically humane, all great spiritual founders.

* James, stop pushing endless gallons of snake oil.

* First, Protect your own humanity James!

* June 21, 2024 update

* Humanity - Exercise it, or Exorcize it. No third option. Use it or lose it.

* Eureka? Huge. Instant Operating System Reset.

* Choose your operating system

* 1 path ONLY is Jesus', tho Many wonderful paths there may be..

** That I am a poor disciple, may...

* Gospel... life beyond addiction.

* Will I get the barnacles before they sink me?

** You cannot be my disciple if you can stand the inhumanity in this world. Paraphrase with liberties.

** So, what is the Good News?

** No one can explain jesus, or the kingdom of god, to you.

* The healer of humanity provides reflection opportunities.

* Physician, heal thyself.

* African-American Pastor Anita said, james, you love Justice more than anyone I've ever known.

* A child of God is of God.

* 100% it's about Humanity?

* I need coach jesus, everyday, all day. No shame in that.

* Mission update. Musings.

* The face of the disciple

* Jesus, an outcast, no family, save one.

* Disciple James log: Unless you are attached to only one thing you cannot be my disciple.

* Diluted, Jesus doesn't Save, and other topics.

* Jesianity: Disciple of many is a disciple of none.

* Discipleship tears families apart

* Yes. Discipleship stimulates thinking; humanity.

* Discipleship may be the ultimate nervous system challenge

* Self-care fail. Take heed!

* The greatest work of art is one's self

* Like eyesight, one's humanity is effectively a human organ

* Out of control - that was Jesus essential nature, and that of his disciples.

* Discipleship is mastering Jesus' leadership back toward humanity

* Discipleship - Waging humanity? Being waged by humanity? Yes.

* Discipleship is the obsession to achieve Jesus' mastery

* Discipleship - mastery... practice... way of being........ finally, direct confrontation with empire which is likely to be terminal for them.

* Jesus too sweat blood when facing torturous death. Even with the helpful angel.

* Those fighting alongside Jesus are in life and death battle for the soul. Don't interfere with them. Why would you do that?

* We are Disciples of Jesus for the same reason someone would be a disciple of the greatest heart surgeon. We're not stupid. And we seek to collaborate with others in gaining mastery.

* The horrible evil hateful things in the world are why we make of ourselves disciples.

* For disciples focus is the difference between heaven and hell.

* Practice one kick 10,000 times

* Christianity, agent of empire, poison pill, or both?

* Every form of empire has to view Jesus as an enemy. Which he is.

* Disciple James log: Discipleship is the norm in our culture. Just never of jesus.

* James just escaping hell for 4 days. Would like to avoid that again.

* And they hated you for no cause.

* Jesus spoke truth to power, the disciple therefore must do the same.

* Attitude

* Creator created us to be what?

* Today I spat on creator, Jesus. Would like not to do that again.

* Only secondarily do I love my relationship with jesus, with creator, for me.

* The message I've been given to share.

* Jesus is the servant of life, the enemy of death.

* Sheep/Disciples, Agents, Humane, Deaf/Blind, Dead

* Can we buy you lunch, the good old Alabama boys asked?

* Conformity, "the world," extinguishes humanity.

* Pray to the Lord so He will send forth laborers to His harvest.

* Jesus, history's true revolutionary. Empire co-opted him with christianity.

* Interrogated by the Walmart store manager, second time in 2 weeks.

* Objectively insane it is to not live in a dream world, like Jesus did.

* Disciple James log: Caleb has been helped more than hurt by christianity, so far. Rare.

* Is reawakening dead Humanity the path that Jesus leads us to? I think so.

* I want to be evil, not humane, Jesian, adhering to Jesianity. I do!

* Jesus' Force is to encompass more than just special forces.

* We are taught to live in the real world, and that's insane.

* The message I have received and joyfully live, the message I share.

* Disciples and Agents

* Agent Mark log: We must observe the sabbath, but t...

* MAKE the tree good and its fruit good....

* Why Jesus called us not into groups, but one-on-one relationships.

Agent Mark log: I want to be what Jesus wanted us to be.

* What does the Jesian want?

* Praying does not come naturally to james. He needs to fix that I think.

* Escaping The matrix is not possible. Only choosing which matrix to exist in.

* Jesus said that his disciples would be forsaken by those of their town, their family, those around them.

* Imagine the most dehumanized downtrodden beaten down person. Imagine someone reawakening their sense of humanity, that they are human, that they are a human. This was Jesus ministry. Hat tip to Albert nolan.

* We trade in our souls to become a commodity that we can sell for other commodities in the system. Jesus had a different idea.

* A variety of thoughts

* IIt took a lot of work to achieve, but Jesus is my co-pilot now. And creator.

* Graduation Day! Graduated from novice, to beginner disciple. Big big day.

* Jesus is the only radical revolutionary in human history.

* Pt 1. I always do what pleases the father. Jesus. How??!#&!??

* Our kingdom is not of this world, though it is in it.

* James, keep the water moving over the gills.

* Will you stop the recrucifixion of Jesus?

* Proper prayer is uniting with your soul. Jesus'way.

* Folks this past week are genuinely elated with what they see in Soul and this effort.

* This Mission

* Unless waging humanity, waging love, carries extreme risk, it has no hope.

* Unless you hate your very life in this world, you cannot be my disciple. Jesus

* Submission to your spirit that is holy, God if you will, being humane, is salvation, psychologically speaking.

* Jesus, let the dead bury the dead. Rebel alliance leader.

* Disciple James log: Oh. Yeah. Make the tree good and the fruit good, or.....


Contents. Jesianity

Contents: Reflections on Jesianity 
