Disciple James log: Stop squandering my talents, James!

 Stop squandering my talents, James!



Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus

Lightly edited transcript:

00:00 Speaker 1
I feel Jesus getting really, really cross with me. Really cross with me. He has been so patient. James, which part of don't cast your pearls before swine do you not understand? 

00:18 Speaker 1
Why won't you pay attention to that, James? Why won't you pay attention to it?

00:23 Speaker 1
It was said elsewhere, do not wrestle with a pig. It will drag you down into the mud.

00:35 Speaker 1
And it likes being in the mud. Did Judas, did Jesus wrestle with Judas?

00:49 Speaker 1
Judas had him killed probably because he wouldn't wrestle with him.

00:53 Speaker 1
Or he stopped wrestling with him. Jesus said, follow me.

01:03 Speaker 1
Take up my yoke and learn from me. He did not say, ignore me.

01:11 Speaker 1
He did not say, try it your own way. But that's what James has been doing.

01:19 Speaker 1
You're here for the chosen, James. That's the chosen. That's not a compliment. they are courageous. They are, they hear Jesus' voice. They don't hear anyone else's voice, but they hear Jesus' voice. They can't stand the suffering in the world. They can't stand the suffering of those around us. 

01:31 Speaker 1
It's a description of their characteristic. And the hallmarks that they're chosen are,

01:56 Speaker 1
They can't avoid giving their life to try and stop that suffering.

02:01 Speaker 1
And they see the Jesus. They believe the Jesus is the physician, the only physician

02:12 Speaker 1
that has a sufficient grasp on how to maybe alleviate the suffering of at least one other.

02:20 Speaker 1
But it's rude, James says. James, what about all those that want my time and, not my time, the talents that I've been given, the time and attention that I've been given for the purpose of reducing suffering and increasing joy in the world? 

02:42 Speaker 1
Do you get negative credits, James, anymore?

02:46 Speaker 1
I've been more than patient with you for spending them on or towards the world.

02:53 Speaker 1
warden, those that are not chosen. Which part of dead that I spoke of so frequently,

03:04 Speaker 1
people being dead, the prodigal son was dead. Did his father go after him?

03:12 Speaker 1
Did he send the servants after him? He did not. It was not in his power

03:24 Speaker 1
to bring them back to life. That was

03:28 Speaker 1
up to the father. And James has been unhumble regarding this, regarding Jesus' example.

03:42 Speaker 1
And teachings on this, some of which were just enumerated. There is just so much medicine

03:51 Speaker 1
at a horrible crash scene. And someone indiscriminately, oh, this person's screaming for the medicine.

04:01 Speaker 1
That person's screaming for the medicine. Doze it out. What kind of cruelty is that?

04:09 Speaker 1
What kind of insane selfishness?

04:12 Speaker 1
What kind of selfishness is that? What kind of horrible self-indulgence is that?

04:19 Speaker 1
It's not your medicine, James. You were entrusted with it. To whom much has been given,

04:28 Speaker 1
even much more is expected.
