Disciple James log: Nobody wants to be like Jesus.

 Nobody wants to be like Jesus. 

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus


Lightly edited transcript:

Do you know anyone that wants to be like Jesus? I don't. 

Well, maybe one. And she can't stand what was ingrained in her about Jesus. That's pretty funny. 

But other than that, I don't know one. I've never heard of such a thing. 

I mean it is so absurd to think that anyone would want to be like Jesus. 

It is not as absurd to think that someone would want to be a healer like Jesus, the healing that he certainly did, which was to cast out evil spirits, that is, to heal, to be a physician. 

But in 2,000 years, Jesus has been carefully disguised that he was a healer that cast out evil spirits has been carefully disguised. 

Empire doesn't want those spirits cast out. Empire is based on those spirits. So, he's a physical healer, just a doctor, contrary to everything that he emphasized. 

So the problem is, No one has been brought up to want to be like Jesus. Quite the contrary. The young child might, and we quickly deal with that. No, no. And we thereby... nurture the evil spirits, the spirits of head and flesh, and extinguish the Holy Spirit. 

Oh, but I have the Holy Spirit! Really? Really? So, as measured by Jesus? Oh no, we don't measure anything by Jesus, do we? No, we don't. We turned him into a real estate agent. And if we say some magic words, he'll give us a condo in the sky. So, not a physician. Goodness knows, not the revolutionary. to replace empire with the kingdom of god certainly not that. a magician, a genie, and if we rub him the right way we get that condo contrary to everything he was. 

if you know me, he said, you know the Father. And now you have seen him. 

And presumably, if you know me, you know the Holy Spirit. And clearly Jesus turned himself over to the Holy Spirit, his humanity. The Father never leaves me because I always do what pleases him. What I say, I first heard from the Father. The words are not mine. 

His humanity, his Holy Spirit. 

Oh, I've got the Holy Spirit, a billion people say. Really? and it makes you act like Jesus? And what else would the Holy Spirit do? The Holy Spirit is of God, right? Well, the Holy Spirit is going to make you behave like Jesus, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God. The child of God is the Holy Spirit. A child of God, which we're told Jesus gave us the power to return to being, a Holy Spirit is going to behave like God. It's going to be enraged at injustice, inequity. It's going to be righteous. It's going to do good. It's going to be merciful. It's going to be forgiving. 

Consummately, not occasionally, consummately. 
