Disciple James log: Jesus instructs us in how to live in constant flow.



Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus

Edited Transcript:

Try not to be confused or distracted. James here is physically tired. There is a potential engine catastrophe. Catastrophe is a little bit dramatic. We should be able to survive it. But in the good news he's about to discuss, try to keep that in consideration. You'll hear it in his voice, the fatigue. You will see it in his face. There's a major new aspect to cycling technique here, and that has James a bit distracted. 

The huge breakthrough, the mother of all breakthroughs, quite possibly. Thank you, Lord and Savior, Jesus. 

James, for nearly all of his adulthood, he was substantially trying to be at his best, doing his best, being good. Most recently being a good disciple. And I suppose it brought with it some successes. 

But what has emerged in my life? in the last week is trying to be the best disciple he can be in the moment. 

And it is an entirely different thing psychologically, experientially, emotionally, metabolically. 

So this potential motor catastrophe, it might be that the rear trailer motor is going as we enter areas with unknown climbs; flat we could make it for weeks on one motor. 

The potential mechanical catastrophe like this, sets up a... a cacophony of pitfalls, distracting James from trying to be a disciple at all. Very empowering of the spirit of head and flesh, the will of the flesh, the will of the head as Jesus described them. So total distraction from discipleship is the possibility. And often the result in prior times. 

Yes, James, but try and be a good disciple.

 However, this morning, after only a little bit of lost time, 15, 20 minutes, James, try and be the best disciple you can be in the moment. And the game changed. 

To be a good disciple under such circumstances, such stresses, such distractions, or to be the best disciple I can be is just not achievable. 

To be the best disciple in such situations. To be the best disciple in such situations. To be the best disciple. It's just not under my control, but to be the best disciple, I can be in that moment under those circumstances. That's entirely under my control. 

It's a matter of focus. And it frees James here to learn from the moment. and frees james from the impulse to denial and delusion oh i just wasn't at my best that moment uh it wasn't me i'm better than that i'm more capable than that so basking in delusion and denial. 

Why for what and at what cost all that learning opportunity. 

there is a notion and so many notions when they were created had much truth in them that creator throws challenges at us. well that's silly but to think of it that way is not silly. 

For his brothers and sisters all of creation james needs to become the best disciple he can be in all circumstances either to prove that it is the optimal path for abundant joyful life that he thinks it is or that it's not. 

and if it is, not only to prove it but to be the fruit of it that might help another soul and if he lives to be a thousand years it will be a constant learning and growth need and the most important time for growth is when these new seemingly unsurmountable obstacles come into place and they're largely squandered with all the doubt and denial and distraction that comes with trying to be your best trying to be at your best performance in those situations. 

it will be what it will be James. 

James, your opportunity is to be the best you can be in that situation at the moment, at this point in your growth, or less than that. And it's guaranteed, James, that if you're distracted and in denial and delusion at those moments, you will not be at your best in those, the best you can be in those moments, and you will deny yourself of learning for the next time and the next. 

Oh, it's really big. 

And somehow, freshman year in college, James had this. Never before, never after. 

And why is he coming back to it? Thousands of hours of study of the life, the words and example of the man, Jesus. 

And if that isn't what Jesus lived, and if it isn't what he taught, and what he spoke, that sure is working out well for James nonetheless, because it's leading him back to full, abundant life. 

Not occasional abundant life, punctuating delusion and denial and destruction, and distress, but staying in the flow of being the best I can be in a moment, in the moment, which is, oh, what did Jesus say? Children of this generation are much better at what they do than the children of the light. That's a paraphrase. 

James being to the gaming industry, that for its purposes, to addict us to the pleasure that head and flesh has mastered keeping us in flow. So, optimal growth and optimal experience. 

And through Jesus, James is now getting this to the task of living.
