Disciple James log: James, your exclusive following of jesus, is such b*******, and so offensive.

July 11, 2024

James, your exclusive following of jesus, is such b*******, and so offensive.

This is not what my valued fellow traveler Ft said to me but it's not far from it. It's the essence I think. And this is the dialogue that ensued.

James: I'm so deeply glad for this question. Not that you have it, but that you share it. And I'm feeling myself launch into an hour more to reply. But I don't think that's right. I'm responsible for what I say. Not for what someone assumes I mean, or projects that I mean. Please find just one or two or three places where you think I've said what you're saying about me, screenshot those, and send them to me, okay? And then we can work from there. And I think if we're to have a relationship going forward we need to resolve this completely, one way or another. Hugs. James

Ft: This from your most recent entry https://www.jesianity.info/2024/06/jesianity-final-frontier.html: "But at least one has shown up attempting to be part of that crew. Because he can't resist the call of it. And he can't bear life in empire. Namely james, who maintains this communication site, as a way of mastering what Admiral Jesus teaches, and by way of providing his study notes to help others joining or considering joining the crew."

James: Someone on the crew of the Starship Enterprise is there because they have incredible resourcefulness, discipline, creativity, imagination. But are they there to be loose cannons? Working on what they feel like working on? With any possibility of being out of sync with the Admiral? With any possibility of speaking for the Admiral? I think the answer is Crystal clear. No.

They're not there to be Admiral. They are there to follow the leadership within extremely rigorously studied and understood parameters. If they don't want to do that, if they want to be their own Admiral, if they want to be inspired by Admiral Kirk but go do their own thing, that's fine. But not on the f****** Starship enterprise.

And this is truth throughout our society.

The exact same thing can be said of employees at google, amazon, the most demanding Enterprises in the world. They're there because they're creative, capable, innovative, imaginative, and able to work under the direction of, to the pleasure of, the Admiral. And they only get to violate that once or twice and they're out on the road.

And maybe that's what they want! They can go start their own f****** company! But they don't get to do it in the company that they signed up for.

You don't get into Medical School unless you have incredible capabilities in so many dimensions. And you don't graduate Medical School unless you sign up to the standards and the methods and the measurement characteristics and the ongoing discipline that provides parameters around what you do and what you practice. You're out in a heartbeat.

People that I revere, tolstoy, Martin Luther King jr, Dietrich bonhoeffer, Gandhi, Dorothy day.. were to some degree inspired by jesus. And as is there right he was not their Admiral. He was their inspiration. But he was not their Admiral!

And Jesus didn't ask for freelancers. If you love me you will keep my words. If you do not love me you will not keep my words. If you say you're a medical practitioner and you do not follow the confines of the medical profession, you're in jail or prison. The point is it's not the same thing. It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing.

Apparently people like Michael Jordan or Simone biles, with all their capability that surpasses anyone on Earth in their field, they feel they need a coach. Well I don't know this for certain, but I'm pretty sure that what they do is they find the best coach they possibly can, and they respect the hell out of that coach. They listen to every word that they say, not for what they want to hear, but for what is said. And they study it. And they do it. And in a way they know that if they don't show that level of respect, hey, they're not going to get what the coach has to offer, and maybe, the coach is going to say f*** off, I don't have my time to waste with you. You don't bother to listen to and understand and follow what I say. Be well. Be gone.

And for me to say that I'm trying to do that, is the opposite of any boast. It holds me up to measurement, to scrutiny. Who the f*** does James think he is, look at what Jesus said, look at what he taught, James isn't trying to do that. Let alone able to. Or not.

Ft: I think millions attempt to be "part of his crew." Few succeed but many attempt.

James: B*******. Not in the way I described above. Show me who has tried to do it in the way described above. Living within, not beyond, the teachings and example of The Man jesus. Show me. Please be specific, provide specific examples. I would be over the moon to see it.

Ft: St. Anthony inherited riches from his father, but when he read the words of jesus, he gave up everything and lived in caves for the rest of his life with nothing

James: Oh, and Jesus had Brown eyes, so if someone else has brown eyes they're a follower of jesus? Someone reads five pages of one of the books in the medical school curriculum, so now they're following the curriculum, right?

Ft: And also helped those who came to him

James: Yiu are at Liberty to think that what I'm saying is nonsense. You may think so, maybe not. But you don't answer directly. I gave some analogies above, Medical school, being in an organization like google, and you're not relating to that. So if what I'm saying is meaningless, that's fine, but there's no basis for dialogue.

Ft: Don't judge a book by its cover! 🤣Or title. Read Saints that Moved the World as well. I can give you many examples of those who considered Jesus more than their coach.

James: It doesn't matter what the f*** they consider themselves. I can go to medical school and tell them I consider myself a good student. They don't give a rat f***. They're going to judge whether I'm a good student. Jesus teachings an example he was specific are the measure. Let's just agree to disagree. Let's end this. I'm done.

Ft: Your analogies don't make sense to me, James, nor does your "exclusive" hold on Jesus. Your anger says it all. Relax.

James: Jesus words and example if applied the way someone applies themselves to the texts and medical school, would have set human beings on a whole different trajectory. Instead Armageddon is unfolding. You bet I'm f****** upset about that.  what is wrong with you that you're not?

If what we've shared here ever comes to make sense to you, Let's resume our dialogue. Until then, let's not. I love you, I wish you the best. I expect that we will be apart for a long long time.
