Disciple James log: God measure success opposite of man.



God measure success opposite of man.

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus

Lightly edited transcript:

00:00 Speaker 1

much to learn about success metrics in the father's kingdom and to unlearn

00:11 Speaker 1

that is the metrics of man's kingdom man are not the same and probably inverse the opposite of the father's success metrics. 

00:28 Speaker 1

This comes to mind today in the midst of what I experienced as a very troubling long-term relationship and an encounter yesterday that also disturbed me, but in a way it was very positive, and the opportunity, I thought, for a very restful day in a Walmart parking lot, which didn't work out the way I expected. Finally, in looking at travel and the sun for the next three, four days, found things quite a bit daunting. 

01:29 Speaker 1

My mantra, my self-talk for weeks now seems to be working better than anything I've ever had by a lot. Thank you, Jesus. The only thing to be glad or sad about is whether you're being the best disciple you can be in this moment. 

02:03 Speaker 1

It was helpful in this fatigued, disturbed morning and last evening that I had.

02:33 Speaker 1

It wasn't enough for me to resolve things as I would have liked.

02:38 Speaker 1

But I worked things through and realized, James, so you're concerned about being fatigued. Is your Father concerned about that? concerned about that? Do you want to be concerned about that, James? You have been, you have thought, oh, well, I need to be fully rested so I can be the best possible disciple. Really? 

03:02 Speaker 1

The best possible disciple would be that at their most fatigued, at their most disturbed, at their most vulnerable. And how can you learn that, James, if you mistakenly protect yourself from your work as a disciple at fatigued, dainty, dangerous, disturbing times? And I wasn't feeling chastising or down on myself, 

03:40 Speaker 1

but it helped me realize that you're not being measured in the kingdom, James, the way you are in the world of man. You don't get points for being fresh. You don't get points for being comfortable. You don't get points for being fresh. You don't get points for don't get points for being comfortable. You don't get points necessarily for staying out of unavoidable trouble. Not at all. You get points for being the best disciple you can in whatever circumstances are served up to you. I've got a lot to learn about that, but I think it's an important lesson, a fundamental lesson for me to learn about. 


  1. Yes well put! Best disciple you can be no matter the circumstances you are served! ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Your thoughtful constructive comment is much appreciated. Disciple James


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