Disciple James log: Glorify God? Obscene! Unless...


Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus


Lightly edited transcript:

Glorify God? Ridiculous. Obscene. Unless God is the personification of all that is good, of all that is humane. 

And as James just saw earlier today, just recognized earlier today, of course that's the God that Jesus showed us. 

Jesus said, if you know me, you know the Father, and now you have seen him. So Jesus told us he is the personification of God. And what are Jesus' characteristics? Righteousness, compassion, every breath serving, radically loving, radically empathic, valuing, healing the broken humanity of others more than his own life. I lay down my life for the sheep, trying and trying, repenting and trying, repenting and trying to do better, forgiving, infinite charity, existing to only be the sun on the evil and the good, the rain on the evil and the good. 

Who wouldn't want to glorify that?

But thanks to Christianity, I just don't think, I think it's not just me, thanks to Christianity, that notion of glorifying the Father has seemed like hideous. Ritualism, paganism, no offense, pagan, far more Christ-like, far more Jesus-like. 

 this is the beginning of an important experiment for James, which 

he suspects is more than an experiment, learning to have that personification of the Father real and active within him, guiding him, animating him, using him, living him. 
