Disciple James log: Early onset armageddon, Trumper dome, hateful liberal blame game.

Early onset armageddon, Trumper dome, hateful liberal blame game. 



Likely edited transcript:

In Jesus' times, in absolute terms, things were a thousand times more dire. That may be an understatement. 

But in relative terms, that's how dire they are psychologically. Here in Trump country, south central New York, northwest Pennsylvania, these people are experiencing their life crumbling around them. And maybe it's worse than it's happening over here. Years and decades. 

But so much, including the people themselves, are in disrepair. 

It wasn't until this morning that I realized, James, you're in Trump country. What I did realize several days ago, boy, these people, many of them are angry, many of them are nasty, hate-filled, trained in their hate, the way a militia is trained even before being in the major battles, the gratuitous nastiness. Wake up! The horns, the loud motors right by us. that became clear two, three days ago. 

And to look at the buildings, to look at the farms, so much natural beauty on the one hand, so much decaying infrastructure squalor on the other, it would take a disciple of Jesus not to descend into hatred and blame, but it would take a disciple of Jesus not to descend into animosity and desire to kill, and desire to stop the suffering at all cost, or at least, yeah, to stem the psychological suffering. And boy, if I can make someone else suffer, at least I have a momentary rush, and I have some sense of justice. 

If the liberals who have been largely in charge, and in places like Pennsylvania or in charge of the larger amounts of funding because of the liberal cities, if the population out here were Disciples of jesus, it would be hard for them not to descend into hatred, based on the slow strangulation materially, the slow agonizing death materially. And physically.

And instead these folks are schooled in satan the tyranny of the flesh and head the evil spirit since jesus called them of head and flesh the will of the head the will of the flesh. told that that's virtue, told that trump is their savior sent by Jesus. 

And the liberals have not been saints quite the opposite devils they have not been saints quite the opposite devils with their religion of sanctimony and human rights which they religiously practice with their mouths and almost never with their own wallets. such hateful hypocrisy, such an easy target. 

some justice though. the liberals are victims too of the liberal church, of the manipulating puppet masters. 

it could almost not be otherwise than the hatred born of agony and despair in these rural sacrifice zones. are we surprised at the behavior of people in mad max thunderdome their barbarity their ugliness their nastiness? it's what we would expect of people living through a Holocaust. 

well these people in trump country are living through a holocaust psychologically. people experience such things in relative terms, not absolute terms, relative terms and when your life is crumbling around you and there is no material way out and objectively there is no material way out then you are in Mad Max Thunderdome, you are in the apocalypse, you are in the Holocaust. And you behave accordingly. 

And it will continue because of our collective denial. 

There is a way out. Jesus found it and lived it and showed it. To be saved from the hellish illusion before and after the Holocaust, the apocalypse, that we are material creatures. Essentially, when in fact we are spiritual creatures, essentially. And to live his way. 

But it is not impossible that one or several might find that path that some of us make it our business to exemplify the path, to illuminate the path. To illuminate the path, to exemplify the path, to show the path, to provide instructions regarding the path, to provide the greatest of all time example, Jesus, and secondary examples, clearly established as such in the hierarchy. it 

then maybe one might be saved from the psychological Armageddon. Maybe two. Maybe three. We don't know how many. But that's the opportunity. 

And then the liberals with their lies, Obama being the poster boy. Oh, get an education. For the one job among 10,000 graduates. Yes, education is the problem. Lack of education is the problem. You're lazy. All you've got is your Bible and your guns. You're the problem. My economy, my liberal economy, my liberal lies are not the problem. No, no, no. Don't blame me. You're the problem. Let's blame you for your unsolvable, apocalyptic, apocalypse. 
