Disciple James log: Constantine's christianity, the perfect Humanity killing machine.

Constantine's christianity, the perfect Humanity killing machine.

Do not fear that which kills the body but not the soul. Fear that which kills the body and the soul. Jesus.

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus

The double bind is considered, in psychology, the most, or among the most, psychologically destructive situations. The mother tells the child I love you, while slapping or beating her, or verbally abusing. The sibling that says I love you, while ruthlessly belittling. The spouse that says that I apore you is not my fault, it's yours.

The double bind crushes one's Humanity to death.

I don't know what was on Constantine's mind. But I know what Constantine's Christianity was. The exact opposite of what Jesus gave his life to create. Jesus gave his life to create the rehabilitation of our god-given Humanity. Look it up. Look up the word humanity.

Constantine was of empire. It's all he knew. It's what he was trained in, highly trained in. Whatever was on his mind, he brilliantly turned Jesus from being the consummate threat to empire, and to being the consummate servant of empire. And he called it christianity.

With Jesus words, and example, he gave us the best chance that we have ever had to rebirth, rehabilitate, resurrect, the god-given capacity for Humanity that we were engineered to have and born with. Constantine with a lot of help from others, gave us christianity, the ultimate, as demonstrated through history, the ultimate killing machine of our Humanity, crushing it, with This brilliant double bind.

Turning the most humane individuals that has ever walked the face of the Earth into the servant of Empire is the brilliant killing blow it is now ending the species. Thank you christians.

And this is Constantine's christianity:

* yes, Jesus said, the spirit is life, the flesh means nothing, but what I really meant was that everything is getting a condo in the sky.

* yes, Jesus said, Thou shalt not kill, but what he meant was, kill whoever Empire tells you to kill.

* yes, Jesus indicated that sex is a really really bad idea, but what he meant was, build your life around it, and have as many children as you possibly can.

* yes, Jesus said, sell all the thou Hast and give to the poor and thou shall have treasure in heaven, but what he meant was, get as rich as you possibly can exploiting whoever you can exploit to do so.

* yes, Jesus said, as you do unto the least of these, you do unto me, but he went what he meant was, be realistic, be responsible, take care of yourself first and your biological dependents first,

* yes, so many times and so many ways she's she's indicated that what you say is of no consequence to him, but what you are, but what he really meant was, say the magic words that we demand, join our club, and it will work out well for you.

* etc. 

* etc.
