Disciple James log: Are you chosen for discipleship?


Are you chosen for discipleship of Jesus?

Warning: Everything but what moves you to discipleship of Jesus is destructive of your health. jesianity.info/search/label/Jesus

My understanding of who is, and who is not... yet:

  • Finds that Jesus words and example exclusively are the way, truth and life.

  • Wants the extreme joy and Abundant Life that Jesus had, for their self, and more so for the neediest.

  • Courageous.

  • Profoundly Empathic.

  • Compassionate.

  • Hates inequity.

  • Lays down his life for others.

  • Understanding.

  • Visionary.

  • Worships the truth.

  • Hates inhumanity of empire.

  • Lives to serve others.

  • Loves the capacity humanity more than self.

  • Revolutionary.

  • Solitary.

  • Deeply responsible. 
Note: Only Just this Breath Do I have an inkling of what chosen means. To have virtually all of the above characteristics. 
