Disciple James log: Escaping The matrix is not possible. Only choosing which matrix to exist in.

Escaping The matrix is not possible. Only choosing which matrix to exist in.

Jesus said, the spirit is life, the flesh means nothing.

Jesus said, the kingdom of heaven will not come through observation for behold it is within you.

Jesus said, if you keep the father's words he will love you, and the father and I will come and make our abode with you.

Jesus said, if you were of my father you would know my words. But you are not of my father, you are of the other one. Paraphrase

So there are multiple kingdoms inside us. There is the one Kingdom of jesus's father, humanity, soul, holy spirit, goodness.

And there are many kingdoms of the other father, inhumanity, selfishness, subhumanity, Soul crushing dogmatic religion, materialistic empire, mindless sports, mindless media, mindless entertainment.

We all live in one or multiple kingdoms most of our life.

A lesson until we return to the kingdom of heaven within us, the kingdom of our soul, of our holy spirit, of our humanity. At which point we remember where home is and we leave only by accident, and return as quickly as we can.
