2/12/24. Much saddened am i. Having spent more time reading this book by Albert nolan, he was hijacked by his head. Instead of understanding that the soul, the holy spirit, which Jesus put in charge of his life, instead of understanding that that is part of us, our mammalian brain, our limbic system, he went off into never never never Land of cerebral cortex using hundreds or at least many many dozens of psychological concepts of the head, to try and substitute for the fact of our mammalian brain, our holy spirit, our limbic system, our soul. It is agonizing. So close and then went so far away.
2/9/24 Yes, as said in recent logs, James is finding himself not alone. Which matters because two seeing the same vision or same enough, are more likely to help a third see the same thing.
Tho they seem to remain blind to the importance of jesus, the significance, his way of being which is infallibly joyful abundant life. Being reborn as our child, our soul, our limbic system, our spirit that is holy, our mammalian brain, they fully inhabit the territory closely enough. Closely enough that James finds that he is not alone.
Albert Nolan is probably the closest James has found so far, not that looking is James priority. Really almost by accident he came across nolan, Jesus before christianity, and now Jesus today. But if one reads Nolan's books keeping in mind that he got close but not there, not to the way of being mentioned in the prior paragraph and on this website, then he can be valuable to anyone also wishing to understand whether or not they are alone.
And he's finding these two books from Nolan really valuable for taking his vision, Jesus vision, within james, broader and deeper. As an accomplished athlete might find a particular gymnasium enabling them to become even more broadly and deeply strong.
AAnd quite possibly also Dominic crossan. And doubtless there are others. For james, the one writing right now, it is enough to know that he is not alone, that James is not alone.
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