If you think life should be heaven on Earth, you are correct.
If you think that nothing physical inside you or outside you should be able to prevent that, you are correct.
We sensed this since our earliest days.
If you think everyone should and can reside, now, in that heaven, you are correct. We think. We KNOW that we do. We see that one in a million others throughout history, have and or do, by whatever name or none.
If you think that no one or nothing can hand it to you, you are correct. We tried this, and failed.
But someone can show you the way. Jesus found it despite the crushing misery administered by the Romans on he and his group. And his teachings, instruction, and life did then, and do now, point the way as nothing else does. We have confirmed in our own lives, he indeed, is the way, the truth, and the light. We call his example and teachings, Jesianity. You may consider doing the same.
But because he has been obscured and eviscerated to be some non-speaking token prop in a male domination tribal religious fantasy, we've had to crawl ourselves back to what he lived and died to give us, hidden right in plain sight in Mark, Luke, Mathew, and even John, these last 2000+ years.
And We've found it, heaven, paradise. We live in it, our kingdom is not of this world though 100% of our devotion is to this world. And we try and save any and every other soul to the unnatural exile that our culture has waged on them.
As did jesus, heroically, to try and save another soul from that hellish exile to return to the paradise within.
The kingdom of heaven is within you. Every breath, joyful life for you, and maybe for those you influence.
"Jesians," Mark, James, TBD.
Ps. And lest you think this some sort of escapism, it's the opposite.
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